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BCNL webinar about the EU Regulatory Sandbox for DLT / Blockchain

Mar 14, 2023

Wednesday 22nd of March we organize a webinar with Marjolein Geus from Bird&Bird Lawyers.

Start 16:00 CET

Duration 30 min. 

Virtual entrance is free, by registration.

You can register < here >. you will receive the link to the session one hour before in your mailbox (please check your SPAM)

More information about the content of the session:

During this presentation we will tell people about the European Blockchain Sandbox project that Bird & Bird – supported by OXYGY, WBNoDE and Spindox –  is running for the European Commission.

The European Commission has taken the initiative to launch the European Blockchain Sandbox – a regulatory sandbox that aims to establish a pan-European framework for regulatory dialogue between blockchain innovators and regulators to increase legal certainty around the use of Blockchain technologies. Click here to view the European Commission’s announcement:

In addition to specialist legal and regulatory advice provided by the law firm Bird & Bird, blockchain companies participating in the sandbox will have the opportunity to discuss regulatory questions that are relevant for them in a safe and confidential environment with relevant regulators. Participating regulators and supervisors on the other hand, will have the opportunity to enhance their understanding of innovative blockchain solutions, discuss regulatory issues in a cross-border setting with other regulators, and contribute to the development of best practices at the intersection of innovation and regulation.

Over three years, three cohorts of twenty blockchain/DLT use-cases will be selected and matched with relevant national and EU regulators. We are now calling on companies (including start-ups and scale-ups) and public entities from across the EU/EEA with innovative blockchain/DLT use-cases, to participate and be at the forefront of this dialogue and mutual learning experience. More information about the project is available on our website ( The applications are now open for the first sandbox cohort until 23:59 CET on 14th April 2023.

More information about the speaker

Marjolein Geus is a partner at the international lawfirm Bird & Bird with a focus on innovation and regulation. She is one of the project leaders of the European Blockchain Sandbox project for the European Commission. Marjolein has extensive experience in working with clients in innovative areas such as blockchain/DLT, AI, 5G and IoT. Marjolein is chairing Bird & Bird’s global Tech & Comms group and is leading the firm’s international regulatory & public affairs practice.

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