Noordhoff article about the BCNL Education Taskforce and the Hogeschool Utrecht Web3 Lab

For universities and industries, there is still a battle to be made in developing education in blockchain technology. There is still too little practical experience for students. The business community can help with internships and knowledge. This call was made by Maarten de Borst and Helmer van Merendonk during a meet-up at the Hogeschool Utrecht for schools and companies.
Maarten de Borst is a consultant and founder of Numbers, a consultancy in the field of crypto, blockchain and Web3. He is also the author of the book ‘Bouwen aan Digitaal Vertrouwen’. Noordhoff spoke with him about this earlier.
Helmer van Merendonk is the coordinator of the Minor Business Innovation with Blockchain and lecturer of Technical Business Administration and Blockchain at the Hogeschool Utrecht.
Sharing knowledge in the Web3 lab
The meet-up in Utrecht was organized by Blockchain Netherlands (BCNL), an educational foundation that focuses on business and societal challenges around blockchain technology. They bring parties together to share knowledge and come up with solutions to bottlenecks around blockchain and education. In addition to this meet-up, BCNL organizes other events such as webinars, roundtable discussions and Dutch Blockchain Week, aiming to connect education and businesses.
Maarten de Borst and Helmer van Merendonk were the first two speakers at the meet-up. Helmer: “The minor Blockchain is now being taught for the fifth year at the Hogeschool Utrecht. It attracts a varied target group of students. We adapt our offerings accordingly: you can imagine that IT students need to experiment and build, while business students prefer to start with a business plan.’
Further development minor Blockchain
Hogeschool Utrecht has taken the initiative to collaborate with the BCNL task force, with the goal of setting up a Web3Lab. This is an online and offline meeting place for students, where they can research and share knowledge on everything related to blockchain and Web3. Web3 refers to a “new version” of the Internet, where the user is the base. This is called a decentralized and open Internet, where everyone can have a piece of ownership.
‘Recently the BCNL Education Taskforce was established, it is committed to increasing knowledge about blockchain and improving education about web3 within vocational and academic education. This involves connecting; and exchanging knowledge and people with each other. I focus on higher education, where research-based learning and a flexible attitude are important. We are already hard at work thinking about how we can make blockchain better known. For example, by awarding a thesis prize, organizing national meet-ups or having students give a final presentation.’
Innovation takes time
Helmer: “Blockchain is a technology that does not move very fast in education. This is partly because this innovation mainly takes time; it takes time before a student has taught himself something. In addition, there is currently still too little concrete supply for students; there is still a battle to be fought for both education and business. Another challenge is how to develop a realistic image of blockchain among students. For many, an image of: “get rich quick with blockchain.
Taskforce is all about connecting and sharing knowledge
Helmer: “Students at HU can build on the expansion of their professional network. Indeed, they are working in projects and with large employers such as TNO, Rijkswaterstaat, Deloitte and Ledger Leopard Blockchain Solutions, but also start-ups such as tex.tracer and new initiatives in cooperation with the Dutch Blockchain Coalition. There is a group of students taking the blockchain minor and working on a materials passport for batteries as a practical assignment, led by TNO.’
Maarten: ‘Experts also give guest lectures and events are organized around Blockchain. All with the aim of meeting others and gaining new insights. Let’s gain and share knowledge. And get off the islands.
It was an informal and pleasant meet-up. The second part of the evening was filled by participating companies. They are an important player in the web3lab. They provide practical knowledge, internships, guest lectures and content to students and teachers.
Present were: Exoblock,, AllianceBlock and Colecti.