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Webinar: Can Blockchain Save Us From Fake News While Improving SEO?

May 8, 2020

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During this 1 hour session, Sebastiaan van der Lans from shared their solutions how to fight online fake news, and how it can be applied in Corona times.

In his talk, Sebastiaan covered:

The internet has a deep-rooted issue: trust. 29% of Europeans are suspicious of the internet, and 86% have fallen for fake news. The mission of WordProof’s Timestamp Ecosystem is to bring a layer of trust over the internet:

– What I read is real, and I can verify who wrote it.
– What I create is mine, and I have proof.
– I am protected and leveraged in disputes.

This is true for content, social, e-commerce, and every other corner of the internet. Trust is what we build. WordProof timestamps content on the blockchain. In just half a year, great support of WordProof emerged and over 171 thousand timestamps were placed.

Further adoption will be both experts- as consumer-led to 67% of those with knowledge of blockchain encourage wide adoption, and 85% of the Europeans support education on fake news

About the speaker: Sebastiaan van der Lans
Founder and CEO of WordProof, Finalist in Europe’s ‘Blockchains for Social Good’ contest, 2020. Founded Amsterdam’s Leading WordPress agency ‘Van Ons’ in 2006. Makes tools to improve inclusivity, privacy, content, and commerce, that have been downloaded millions of times. Let’s fix the broken web, together!(

Link to website:

Here’s the animation explaining WordProof (2 min), with sound:

Here’s how to get started with WordProof on WordPress (5 min):

Here are the articles covering the answers to some questions asked!

WordProof’s Timestamp Ecosystem:

Why would tech-giants adopt blockchain timestamps & WordProof’s Timestamp Ecosystem?

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